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Keithly Electrometer/High resistance meter 6517B

글쓴이 : doubletek 날짜 : 2018-04-04 (수) 15:19 조회 : 1933

Description :

The Keithley 6517B Electrometer/High Resistance
Meter is the worldwide research laboratory standard for
sensitive measurements. With over 60 years of low level
measurement expertise,Keithley electrometers provide
reliable measurements of current levels down to 10 aA
(10×10?18 A),charge levels down to 1 fC,and the highest
resistance measurements available up to 1018 Ω. The
6517B is also capable of measuring the largest voltage
range?up to 200 V?with an input impedance exceeding
200 TΩ. All this performance is built into an instrument that
operates as simply as a digital multimeter.

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