MS46522B Anritsu Network Analyzer
Guaranteed performance to 43.5 GHz with Extended K™ ports
High output power allows measurement of high attenuation devices
Advanced time domain option provides tools for signal integrity analysis
Wide dynamic range enables measurement of very low reflection artifacts
Excellent corrected directivity minimizes measurement uncertainty
SmartCal™ auto calibration unit reduces calibration and setup time
Time domain with time gating option grants easier and faster fault identification
Modern LAN interface for remote control is faster than GPIB
A common GUI and SCPI interface within the ShockLine family
Bias tee option simplifies test setups where the DUT needs DC biasing
Universal Fixture Extraction (UFX) software option provides advanced de-embedding tools for test fixture extraction
E-Band VNA
Extended frequency range covering E-band and major parts of V band
Fully assembled test system eliminates setup errors and increases reliability
Tethered modules connect directly to the DUT increasing measurement stability
제품문의 e-mail:lee(at)ltechrf.com