품명:KEITHLEY 2700 DMM, Data Acquisition, Datalogging System
모델:KEITHLEY 2700 DMM, Data Acquisition, Datalogging System
가격:\990,000원 부가세별도
담당:010-9135-2888 임연원
지역:인천광역시 동구 방축로37번길30 (송현동,산업용품상가 8-306)
Combines functions of DMM, switch system, and datalogger
True 6½-digit (22-bit) resolution
Choice of 12 switch/control plug-in modules
Up to 200 differential input channels (with 300V isolation) for measurement and control
Convenient front panel inputs
Free LabVIEW™, LabWindows/CVI, Visual Basic, C/C++, and TestPoint™ drivers (IVI style)
GPIB and RS-232 communications capabilities
Free ExceLINX™-1A datalogging software